Loyola House, 这是一个住宿项目,计划于今年秋天开始第二年的学习, 是一个支持和分辨波士顿大学男生的团体,考虑在耶稣会内的职业. Directed by Casey Beaumier, S.J., Loyola House provides opportunities for prayer, service, contemplation, and conversation with both peers and Jesuits. 它的目标是帮助居民在自我认识、信仰、友谊和职业方面成长. Amenities of the 50 Quincy Road location include a chapel, kitchen, dining room, and other living spaces.

Fr. 博米耶在这个Q中讨论了洛约拉学院的使命和资源&A, 并邀请感兴趣的学生与他联系,探讨是否洛约拉房子的经验是适合他们. Email him at casey.beaumier@toymonstertruck.com.  

洛约拉学院是耶稣会学院或大学中第一个这样的学院. Why was it was established at BC?

When people ask me about Loyola House I ask them: Do you love that BC is a Jesuit university? I certainly do! 我真心希望未来的学生能够认识耶稣会士,能够与他们见面. We Jesuits want to attend to the future of Boston College.

Casey Beaumier, S.J., at Loyola House
Casey Beaumier, S.J., at Loyola House (Lee Pellegrini)

But Jesuits don’t appear out of nowhere. 耶稣会的使命,尤其是在今天,需要鼓励——它是活的,是脆弱的. It needs light and oxygen and nourishment. 我们希望尽我们所能来支持那些有兴趣成为耶稣会士的学生, especially as there are fewer Jesuits for the future. 在像电子游戏软件这样伟大的耶稣会大学培养耶稣会士的职业是很有意义的——洛约拉学院是大学投资未来的一种方式,也是耶稣会士在一个可能鼓励其他人考虑我所相信的环境中促进这种生活的一种方式, and have experienced as, a great way to live.


This year, 住在洛约拉房子提供了机会,以满足来自世界各地的耶稣会士,并在同一时间, to try out community life. The house members share in the Eucharist, cook for one another three times a week for community meals, talk about discernment, receive spiritual direction, 并且每学期进行一次静修-同时保持他们对日常BC生活的定期参与和承诺. Most importantly, 它为这些学生提供了一个相遇的环境,并在成为我们耶稣会士所说的成长 friends in the Lord.


当我还是个大学生的时候,我知道另一个学生在想耶稣会士——我们都加入了耶稣会,因为我们和一位耶稣会士的精神导师有一段奇妙的友谊,他以身作则鼓励我们. For me, 这种觉察是非常私密的——只有那两个人知道我心里酝酿着这个小小的愿望.  我很想见到全球的耶稣会,也很想知道有其他年轻人也在考虑司铎的事. 洛约拉之家在这方面绝对是创新的——它同时也是支持的, creative, and challenging. 然而,它既不是神学院,也不是年轻人因害怕爱情而躲藏的地方, conflict, or complication. 这是一个巨大的成长和鼓励的地方.

“耶稣会的使命,尤其是在今天,需要鼓励——它是活的,是脆弱的. It needs light and oxygen and nourishment. 我们希望尽我们所能来支持那些有兴趣成为耶稣会士的学生, especially as there are fewer Jesuits for the future. 在像电子游戏软件这样伟大的耶稣会大学培养耶稣会士的职业是很有意义的——洛约拉学院是大学投资未来的一种方式,也是耶稣会士在一个可能鼓励其他人考虑我所相信的环境中促进这种生活的一种方式, and have experienced as, a great way to live."—Casey Beaumier, S.J.


Talk a bit about the Loyola House community.

If you ask anyone in the house, 他们会很容易地透露他们遇到了耶稣会士的多样性. At BC our Jesuit community is global — the world is our house! 洛约拉之家就是要让你体验那种相遇. And in our first year, we have had a good mix of people, starting with the other Jesuit coordinator of the house, Fr. Francisco Sassetti da Mota, a Jesuit from Portugal. 我们俩是好朋友,他对我们的学生来说是一个了不起的存在. 在第一年,我们有一个很好的BC本科生展示:有人在ROTC, a pre-med student, a musician for the Liturgical Arts Group, and an ultra-marathoner. But I must say that we need more students.

我和弗朗西斯科神父周一至周四晚上10点在上校区的圣约瑟夫教堂举行烛光弥撒. 烛光弥撒是校园事工和宿舍生活的一项工作, and it is also the Loyola House Mass. We sponsor the s’Upper T Club, an undergraduate club for anyone to attend where, under the leadership of the students of Loyola, 参与者冒险进入波士顿市,在不同的公交车站附近吃晚餐,学生们会得到一件由山姆·格雷设计的免费T恤, one of the house members. We have company every week for meals and we make a retreat.

我很乐意看到一个家庭服务项目出现——我们肯定有一个未来发展的愿景. But that requires greater participation. I know it’s a risk for our undergraduates to try this, 但我相信我们提供了一个可能性和意义深远的选择.


Jesuit Scholastics from the St. Peter Faber Community serve as spiritual directors. They have been excellent. Because they are young, they have been approachable and engaging, and for all of the house, having a spiritual director has been a new experience. These one-on-one meetings are confidential, warm, 让家里的男人们坦率地谈论上帝在他们生活中的行动,以及他们在考虑未来的伟大选择时所面临的斗争.


以下是一名学生的报告:“我对洛约拉学院最看重的是有机会认识这么多耶稣会士, young and old, and to begin to understand their calling, why they've chosen the Society, how it has fulfilled them and their desire to serve God, and how it might similarly fulfill me.”

Who is eligible for residence at Loyola House? How should interested students contact you?

现在就给我发邮件,我们找个时间谈谈. 这所房子不仅是BC大学本科生的地方,也是最欢迎电子游戏正规平台生探索这种可能性的地方, 波士顿地区的人也在为他们的未来考虑耶稣会士. 我们与东北耶稣会合作,所以房子与大学无关.

我很想看到这所房子成为这所伟大的耶稣会大学文化的一部分. Loyola House is tiny, 但这种鼓励和影响的印记很可能在未来产生影响, in my opinion, delightful and helpful for all of our students. It’s an experiment – we are not there yet and it might not work, but for anyone who loves Boston College, 这非常值得我们继续考虑和鼓励.

—University Communications