Departmental 奖s and Honors - 2022年春季

We enthusiastically congratulate you, the Class of 2022 Art, 艺术历史, and Film 主要s and 小s! Your college career took an unexpected turn when the pandemic hit, but you have responded with creativity, 同情, 勇气, 爱打听别人隐私, 和弹性. Learning and creating in community with you has strengthened us all. We applaud you for your intellectual, 有创意的, and personal achievements during your entire career at 电子游戏软件


Richard and Marianne W. Martin Memorial 奖

表彰2020年在艺术史上取得的高学术和创造性成就. Established by the 电子游戏软件 Friends of Art, this award is given annually in memory of Marianne W. 1976年至1989年担任电子游戏软件艺术史教授的马丁和她的丈夫理查德.

佩顿威尔逊 portrait



“佩顿威尔逊 is deeply passionate about art and architectural history. She is a generous and thoughtful participant in class discussions, writes well-researched and carefully argued papers, 在艺术史的不同领域应用理论框架方面表现出极大的灵活性. She is a great writer and an excellent team-player, showing leadership skills that are truly exemplary.”

- 艺术历史 Professor Emine Fetvaci

Xinying王 portrait



“我很幸运地让欣颖在我的创意艺术课上度过了她在BC的第一学期,当时她是一个非常安静的大一新生 . Her sensitivity to materials was evident then, and while she remains soft spoken , she has become a confident maker without losing any of her delicate touch. Working primarily in fibers, her artwork speaks volumes of a transcendent vision , a desire to use the material world to capture the unseen  and uncatchable. We will miss Xinying and her beautiful ability to think through her hands, 编织梦想, to cause us all to pay attention to the details. Congratulations, Xinying!"

- Professor Sheila Gallagher

Allison R. 麦康伯短促,小. 奖

这个奖项是由霍尔巴赫基金会的捐赠设立和支持的,以表彰在美术领域的杰出作品. 麦康伯短促,小., Artist-in-Residence at 电子游戏软件.

安妮·泰勒 portrait



“安妮是一位杰出的批判性思想家,对艺术的政治利害关系有着敏锐的洞察力, particularly when it comes to issues of identity. Her longstanding engagement with the work of Louise Lawler is a case in point: How, 她问, have advanced feminist practices of appropriation and institutional critique, 像Lawler, mobilized humor to activate and engage the spectator? Beyond her skills as a writer, 然而, 在过去的几年里,给我印象最深的是安妮在课堂上的智慧. She is always a leader in complex debates around thorny issues, but she never seeks to win arguments or stifle conversation; rather, her aim is to build on, 推进, 复杂化, and affirm the positions of her fellow students. She is a true collaborator in every sense of the word.”

- 艺术历史 Professor Kevin Lotery

Eden 道尔顿 portrait

伊甸园R. 道尔顿


“In an age of quick visuals,  艾登·道尔顿表现出无畏的实验意愿,这使她能够创作出要求我们放慢速度的完成作品, 看起来困难.  她在未涂底漆的画布上创作的一系列雄心勃勃的大型画作是敏感的分层构图,使人联想到海洋的浩瀚和血管系统的最小图案.  艾登的职业道德和在我们艺术社区的生活方式反映了电子游戏软件的许多理想. Her orientation to the common good and willingness to be accommodating, to share materials, 超越竞争,放眼合作,提升了工作室项目的氛围. 作为一个充满爱心和细心的团队成员,艾登提醒我们,没有人能独自成为艺术家.  Her presence will be greatly missed at Murray Carriage House.”

- Professor Sheila Gallagher

Jeffery Howe 艺术历史 奖

这个奖项, 由电子游戏软件艺术委员会于2011年成立,以表彰Howe教授对BC艺术的杰出贡献, 表彰在艺术或建筑史领域表现出色的电子游戏软件大四学生.

一帆王 portrait



“一帆王 is a philosopher of art and history. 在她学习艺术史和为艺术委员会服务的过程中, 一凡发展了一种艺术历史电子游戏正规平台的方法,将艺术创作视为一种思想创造的形式. 她的作品给人留下深刻印象的不仅是思想的复杂性,还有一凡将她的思想根植于最仔细观察的艺术作品的形式品质的方式. 一帆王 embodies a blend of infectious, generative enthusiasm and high seriousness about art and art history. 她是这个奖项的理想获得者,这个奖项是为了纪念杰弗里·豪教授而设立的,他在建立艺术委员会方面发挥了重要作用,他的奖学金是由对艺术和艺术史的持久热情推动的.”

- 艺术历史 Professor Kevin Lotery

Cinematography 奖


希拉•巴雷特 portrait



在《电子游戏软件》课程的第一次编辑作业的同行评审会议上, which was adding b-roll to recorded interviews, 希拉·巴雷特(希拉•巴雷特)提交了一个制作价值如此之高的视频,我怀疑这是她真的做的视频,还是一家公司的企业视频. Since then, I came to expect that same level of polish from her.”

- Film Professor Robert Heim

Mary Armstrong 奖

这个奖项 was created in honor of Mary A. Armstrong (1948-2020), who taught painting and drawing at 电子游戏软件 for thirty years, 表彰在艺术实践方面有突出成就的学生, 在工作中表现出最高水平的承诺和个人投入.

Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal portrait

Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal

通过她严谨的工作室艺术实践和她的神经科学学位, 伊里亚“复杂的系列绘画体现了用艺术来深入探讨一个人的社会问题意味着什么。, aesthetic passions, and personal unconscious. 玛丽·阿姆斯特朗是一个真正的“画家中的画家”,她会很高兴看到这个奖项被授予伊里亚,她今年致力于理解绘画的语言,以及如何用它来表现一些最深的未知. 伊里亚通过仔细观察其他艺术家的作品,展示了她对扩展视觉语言的奉献精神, and putting in the time to hone her craft . It has been a huge pleasure to work with Iria for many reasons, 但她愿意以开放的心和敏锐的智慧给予和接受批评,这使她成为高年级的宝贵成员. 今年秋天,伊里亚将在乔治城大学开始她的神经科学电子游戏正规平台生学习,我们祝她一切顺利.

- Professor Sheila Gallagher

Screenwriting 奖


玛丽·C·戴利 portrait


“玛丽·C·戴利 writes what she knows with enthusiasm and power.  Her relentless work ethic to get her story on the page showed with every draft.  I no doubt feel MC is at the beginning of an amazing career in screenwriting.”

- Film Professor Mary Conroy

Meghan Schlageter portrait

Meghan Schlageter

“Meghan Schlageter has an exceptional eye for animation storytelling. 她的剧本体现了一个坚定的编剧的勤奋和毅力.  It was an honor to watch her craft excel over these past two years.”

- Film Professor Mary Conroy

Costa-Gavras Social Justice 奖

Costa-Gavras, director of socially conscious films such as Z, 的忏悔, 失踪, 和阿门, 激起了他的国际听众更深刻地思考社会正义问题. 这个以他的名字命名的奖项是对一位即将毕业的电影电子游戏正规平台专业大四学生的认可,他追随他的脚步,拍摄了一部关于社会正义问题的原创电影.



“Marie has always been an accomplished scholar in all of my courses. 除此之外, 她完成了两项关于希腊-法国导演科斯塔-加夫拉斯的政治和社会政治电影的独立电子游戏正规平台.  她也是Michalczyk教授即将在伦敦布卢姆斯伯里出版社出版的新书的电子游戏正规平台的主要法国联系人, Costa-Gavras: Encounters with 历史.”

- Film Professor John J. Michalczyk

Excellence in Editing

罗伯特•克拉克 portrait


“Robert (Bobby) Clark is a sharp, clever, and skilled editor. He is able to take a story, 添加细微差别和特效,使他的作品达到一个新的水平,为每个人的享受. I know he has a bright future in front of him! 鲍比已经证明了这与他卓越的编辑技能作为助理编辑专业教师的作品.”

- Film Professors Kris Brewer and John Michalczyk

Mary Armstrong 奖

这个奖项 was created in honor of Mary A. Armstrong (1948-2020), who taught painting and drawing at 电子游戏软件 for thirty years, 表彰在艺术实践方面有突出成就的学生, 在工作中表现出最高水平的承诺和个人投入.


Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal

Iria Gutierrez-Schieferal

通过她严谨的工作室艺术实践和她的神经科学学位, 伊里亚“复杂的系列绘画体现了用艺术来深入探讨一个人的社会问题意味着什么。, aesthetic passions, and personal unconscious. 玛丽·阿姆斯特朗是一个真正的“画家中的画家”,她会很高兴看到这个奖项被授予伊里亚,她今年致力于理解绘画的语言,以及如何用它来表现一些最深的未知. 伊里亚通过仔细观察其他艺术家的作品,展示了她对扩展视觉语言的奉献精神, and putting in the time to hone her craft . It has been a huge pleasure to work with Iria for many reasons, 但她愿意以开放的心和敏锐的智慧给予和接受批评,这使她成为高年级的宝贵成员. 今年秋天,伊里亚将在乔治城大学开始她的神经科学电子游戏正规平台生学习,我们祝她一切顺利.

- Professor Sheila Gallagher