联合米.A. 在哲学 & 神学

The joint MA in philosophy 和 theology draws on the strengths of its excellent programs in each area. It was founded in the conviction that a great deal of work in either field is best served by a good underst和ing of the other. The 电子游戏软件 department of philosophy is committed to the study of the great works of the history of philosophy, close engagement with the important questions 和 problems to be found both there 和 in contemporary culture, 还有多元化的方法. The department is especially well known for global prominence in the phenomenological, hermeneutical 和 post-structural work of continental European thinkers, but also includes excellence in Anglo-American 和 analytic philosophy of language, 道德, 和科学. The 电子游戏软件 department of theology is among the top two or three in the United States, with leading scholars 和 teachers in the areas of 道德, 基本的神学, 比较神学, 圣经, 历史神学. 这两个部门经常一起工作, 和 there is a lively community among their faculty 和 students.


Jeffrey Bloechl,



该计划旨在为电子游戏正规平台生(i.e., any student already in possession of the BA or equivalent) in need of further work in philosophy or theology in order to enhance preparation for doctoral programs, wishing to complete their preparation for secondary school teaching, 或者只是对进一步丰富知识感兴趣.


  1. 哲学和神学课程:
    The program requires a total of 10 graduate-level courses, to be divided as closely as possible between theology 和 philosophy (i.e.,各5个或其中一个6个,另一个4个). These distributions cross another one between 6 courses in the concentration of a student’s choice (see below) 和 4 that should be committed to rounding out her/his background 和 grounding in the fields. Each student is required to take “神学电子游戏正规平台哲学,,该课程每年或每两年提供一次.

  2. 还有一个论文选项. Students who write a thesis do so during the final two semesters in the program. 在必修的十门课程中,它占了两门. A first semester is dedicated to guided reading 和 the establishment of an outline 和 bibliography. 第二学期是写论文的时间. The project should be approved by the end of the previous semester, have the explicit agreement of a faculty member to supervise, 经过项目联合主管的正式批准. The thesis must be at least 60 pages long (double-spaced, 12-point font).

  3. Students choose their courses primarily from the 电子游戏软件 哲学神学 departments: They also have access to courses in religion offered at other member institutions of the 波士顿神学跨宗教协会 (发言). 哲学 courses at other member institutions of the Boston area consortium: Boston University, 塔夫斯大学, 和布兰迪斯大学. 通过应用程序, they can also participate in the 电子游戏正规平台生 Consortium in Women’s Studies.

  4. Students take their courses alongside graduate students in the st和ard philosophy 和 theology programs.

  5. Students are required to demonstrate intermediate proficiency in at least one non-英语 language of competence for their academic interests. This is most often French, German, Greek or Latin, but one can make a case for others. Language courses do not count among the ten courses required for the degree.

  6. All students must pass a comprehensive examination that is administered toward the end of or after the final semester of coursework. The examination includes take-home written answers to two questions each in philosophy 和 theology. These should be 6-8 pages in length, 和 in full scholarly style (analysis, argument, footnotes). A short time after the written answers have been submitted, 对答案的口头答辩已经安排好了. 这大约需要75分钟. 阅读清单可以在这里找到.

  7. All students are required to attend monthly meetings of the 哲学与神学高级电子游戏正规平台研讨会.

  8. Late in their second semester of coursework, students choose a specific area of concentration. 既定的专业是“伦理学”,”“信仰, 哲学, 和科学," "Foundations 在哲学 和 神学" 和 "Medieval Thought,和“哲学与宗教”(i.e.(非基督教宗教).

  9. All students are mentored by one or both of the co-directors until they choose their area of concentration. 当时, a faculty mentor specialized in that area may be added or else replace the previous mentors.

  10. The program is designed for completion within four semesters, 但可以安排更长的轨迹.


Area of specialization: Foundations 在哲学 和 神学

  • First Semester: 神学电子游戏正规平台哲学, Plato, Intermediate Latin 1
  • 第二学期:康德第一批判, 作为政治神学的基础神学, 中级拉丁语2
  • Third Semester: 19th 和 20th Century European 哲学, 现代形而上学, 神学美学
  • Fourth Semester: Medieval 哲学, Lonergan’s Insight, Augustine


  • 第一学期:比较神学方法, 伊斯兰教哲学, 神学电子游戏正规平台哲学
  • 第二学期:亚里士多德,康德
  • 夏季:阿拉伯语入门、中级阿拉伯语1
  • Third Semester: Medieval Jewish Thought, Aquinas, Augustine
  • 第四学期:论文1(导读)
  • 夏季:中级阿拉伯语
  • 第五学期:这两项(完成课文)


  • 第一学期:柏拉图,美德伦理学
  • 第二学期:阿奎那,医学伦理学
  • 夏季:中级法语1、中级法语2
  • Third Semester: 神学电子游戏正规平台哲学, Kant’s Moral 哲学
  • 第四学期:女权主义哲学
  • 第五学期:正义战争理论、解放神学
  • 第六学期:哲学解释学


The joint MA program has close relations with the Northeast 哲学 of Religion Colloquium, 每年在波士顿或纽约开两天会, for a working seminar in which students in philosophy of religion 和 theology present research for discussion. 有关这方面的更多信息,请联系Bloechl教授.

The program also has close relations with the International Network 在哲学 of Religion, which organizes small regional meetings from time to time 和 a major international conference every two years. 下一次重要会议将在2021年举行. 有关INPR的目标和活动,请参见 http://www.network-inpr.org/


C和idates should apply via the st和ard admissions process defined for the 电子游戏软件 艺术与科学电子游戏正规平台生院.